Tuesday, March 30, 2010

38 til 40 and the countdown continues

Today started our normal morning routine on Tuesdays. Cameron off to school at 7:15, then come back get Morgan ready and get her to Mommy's Day Out.. I get 4 hours to myself.. Actually 3:30 by the time I drop off and pick up, but whatever.. I make it count.

Usually on Tuesday and Thursdays I have long runs, and that of course depends on where you're at in your training. For me Tuesday and Thursday usually consist of anywhere between 10-20 miles depending on my racing season but usually never less than that. Today I decided I'd run 14ish.. Just for the sake of the 4 thing of course, but I wanted to keep it a distance type run. I had some pretty crazy wind but, it was a beautiful day and I totally enjoyed every mile. I hit the Brushy Creek Lake Trail which is right down from my house so I just run down and I'm on a great trail. Gotta love it!

I got home and was in a bit of a rush so in and out of the shower and off to pick up Morgan. I decided we'd head to Costco.. I had a few things on the LIST... While we were there I saw they had some Palm trees.. My favorite.

I wondered..1. can I even pick that up
2. Will it fit in my car?
3. Will I need help?

Well.. whatever, I got it anyways. After I manage to pick up this huge tree and get it in my cart a nice lady saw me kinda struggling and offered a bit of assistance, this thing was HUGE. I wanted to get the heck out of there. After paying and of course swiping a few people in the face with the branches and a bunch of apologizes, and of course I said to one gentleman.. Feels like the tropics huh?? laughing. Out to the car.

I looked at the tree and my daughter and then realized..We still have to pick Cameron up and we are in a hurry. I get her and all the other stuff in the car, threw Cameron's seat in the front. dropped the car seat down and with brute force manage to get that monster in the car. WHEW.. Now where to put Cameron, n o time to go home first. I bungied the back because the trees was hanging out the back and got on the freeway... Back to Cedar Park. We parked and ran to get Cameron.. Just on time. whew!! I managed to squish him in the back and just told them to both hold on.. We'd be home in 5. We made it without incident.

Now was the tough part, digging up the dead tree that had daggers for branches. It was horrible, my legs, hands and arms were bleeding. Yes, I was wearing jeans and gloves. This palm was going down with a fight. I thought for a minute I was gonna lose but I got smart and started cutting the roots.. Finally.. Out. I planted my new Pinto Palm and it looks beautiful. My big challenge for today, and war wounds to prove it. The picture at the top is my neighbors son, Brandon, Morgan and me and my new tree in the back.

All in all a great 38 day.

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